auntneecey: guitar
auntneecey: bernie sanders bubble
auntneecey: stay open
NitaMcGrew: Windswept Prairie
auntneecey: piet mondrian
Helena de Riquer: Brillibrilli
Melanie Leeson: Vancouver Island Pygmy Owl
SchuminWeb: Ostrich at the Lincoln Park Zoo [02]
rogercollorick: Short eared owl
Tigerhase.: Winter Scene.2 Macro
nichols_: 15/365: SARAH WORKS ON HER PUZZLE
Bev-lyn: Sunflower
kuestenkind: Anchor
desomnis: Moroseness
Ruth and Dave: Gold and pink evening in Vancouver
Ruth and Dave: Beautiful clouds in Whistler
auntneecey: hearty
auntneecey: stenciled starlight
Photo Alan: Photographers on Duty
Photo Alan: Granville Island
Melanie Leeson: New Born Sea Otter
auntneecey: be a rainbow....
JSTAR377: 366-365
g3az66: Snowflake
fromky: Breakfast time.
fromky: Out on a Limb