RDPress: Simultaneous Contrasts #2 (after Van Gogh's Les Iris), 2020 Technical: Olympus PEN E-PL2 Minolta MC Rokkor-PG 1.4/50mm ISO 200 f/2.8 @ 1/1600 sec. Gossen Luna-Pro F (Key +0, Fill -2) Post Processing: PhaseOne Capture One Pro v. 8
RDPress: _5185087Export
RDPress: Back Shore (2018); Kodak Portra 160 (ei 100), 15 sec. @ f/22.
RDPress: Void Where Prohibited (2011)
RDPress: IMG_5926
RDPress: IMG_6462 Eastern Point Light
RDPress: IMG_3652 Emerson Point
RDPress: IMG_2232 Three Mast Hoops
RDPress: IMG_5093 Birdseye Plant [2011]
RDPress: The Ochre You Drink, The Player You Get
RDPress: IMG_5799 Lane Cove Breakwater
RDPress: IMG_5522Export
RDPress: IMG_4856Export
RDPress: _5212672Export
RDPress: IMG_5392 Barnacle-encrusted ladder, Gloucester Harbor
RDPress: IMG_7581
RDPress: IMG_3394
RDPress: _5298517 Concertina
RDPress: IMG_3505
RDPress: _7184240
RDPress: IMG_3382
RDPress: For well-qualified, returning lessees
RDPress: _8244229 Back Shore, Gloucester
RDPress: Friendly knowledgeable staff
RDPress: None the worse for wear
RDPress: In case of sudden pressure loss, stay calm and listen for instructions
RDPress: "You have to question the timing of this story"