Ian N. White: Common Waxbill (Estrilda astrild)
Jay Daley: w i l d f i r e
Ian N. White: African Pipit (Anthus cinnamomeus)
eberhardwild: LZK EDAR 2,8/100mm
vanessabekaert: La petit princesse
aleksandra.krivdic: My littleness is so look-at-me-ness!
Joni Koponen: Nature's bokeh
Impact Imagz: Windblown
Ian N. White: Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) & Impala
bb4412: Friendship.
AAR PHOTOGRAPHY: In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do. -- Unknown
AncasterZ: Holy Light
AncasterZ: Christmas Eve Light
ricketdi: ***calliste rouverdin-Tangara gyrola- Bay-headed tanager
jonathan le borgne: La Reine des iles Lofoten
OC Birds: Yellow-crowned Bishop
Patricia Ware: In the Gardens
Onasill - Bill Badzo: Sonnenberg Gardens & Mansion Historic Park ~ Tulips ~ Canandaigua NY
Wildlife_2010: Fuertaventura
AAR PHOTOGRAPHY: Shadow Shoppers..
Bluesrose: rooms
tsuping.liu: DSC_0087 End of a Day
icemanphotos: Beautiful Sunlight