Schocken Photography: Great Horned Owl
Richard R. Powell: Discussion
Nigey2: Dalmatian Pelican
Fourteenfoottiger: Chasing Shadows
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Entre neige et nuages
Larry D James: Crested Gecko
Christoph Fischer: After the Rain
Julian Dicks: Comet Neowise over Sussex afternoon delight Indigo Bunting on Mullen
keithbannister67: Female Cuckoo
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Barred owlet - Bébé chouette rayée - Strix varia
....Daniel....: Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
Matt Hazleton: Large skipper
MarkBee3: Tawny owl
Nigey2: Little European Badger watching you watching me (Explore)
Stefan Gerrits Photography: Metallica - One (2)
Stefan Gerrits Photography: Just a bit of orange
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_3636
Daniel Trim: Crested Tit, Scotland
Mobile Lynn: Whitethroat 502_6600.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Banded Demoiselle 502_6805.jpg
Birds of North America: Brown Thrasher