@chuck4x5: H. Texas - Hutchinson - Borger - 2010
LowerDarnley: The Last of the Trees #3
dark_indigo_reborn: Cyber houswife...
Postcards from San Francisco: Faxon Avenue, Westwood Park, San Francisco
Rex Mandel: Veteran's Deluxe Cleaners, Presidio Heights - San Francisco, CA
Rex Mandel: Laundromat at the Corner of Bush and Franklin Streets - San Francisco, CA
Rex Mandel: Coloma Club Cafe - Coloma, CA
Rex Mandel: 600 Cafe - Miles City, MT
Rex Mandel: Ray's Deli and Tavern - Petaluma, CA
Neal3K: Two Pairs - Holga Infrared
Lost San Jose: Intersections
Mission: Theoretical: So, this is where we are. I’d like to thank Christians across the nation for delivering your true messiah to the rest of us. Just don’t get high and mighty when the Hitler comparisons start up again. Idiots.
Mission: Theoretical: Southern Gothic hangs over everything here. William Faulkner is fighting like mad to be liberated from his tomb.
Gifty O'Hara: doorway
Neal3K: What More Could I Ask?
Gifty O'Hara: checkered path
Maria Sciandra: Crisantemo Amarilla
Lon_Donner: Dean’s Credit Clothing
@chuck4x5: H. Texas - Oldham - Vega - 2009
nightmareck: Sosnowiec
Neal3K: Two Small Steps for Man
Sleepless Aquarius: Lee Camera & Video Repair
Reconstructing Light: Tucumcari La Cita