michaelj1998: 5 windows
michaelj1998: Ramona's
michaelj1998: Diving off the high board
michaelj1998: Platinum 7x
michaelj1998: Do not enter
michaelj1998: Street sweeping
michaelj1998: Mushrooms
michaelj1998: Working it
michaelj1998: Window
michaelj1998: Endgame
michaelj1998: Building full of signs
michaelj1998: Muted voices
michaelj1998: Lacework
michaelj1998: Reno Room
michaelj1998: Waving cats
michaelj1998: Kodak colors
michaelj1998: No loitering
michaelj1998: Plumbing
michaelj1998: Blackie's
michaelj1998: Sorry we're open
michaelj1998: Word shadows
michaelj1998: Mexicana Travel
michaelj1998: On the road
michaelj1998: Hupmobile