mcudeque: 1913 childrens mannequins, wax figures
barnyz: Mainz interior
szeke: Downtown Mainz
Andrea Rapisarda: La piazza del Duomo di Mainz
B'Rob: 'A short and wild trip to... the Haarlem!' ;)
HEN-Magonza: Giorgione, Bildnis einer jungen Frau/Laura (Portrait of a Young Bride/Laura)
-*Gabi*-: IMG_01651
-*Gabi*-: IMG_02381ц
smokey lace: Glum Chums
smokey lace: kooky kids
smokey lace: The Ennui of Louis
smokey lace: Seriously Outnumbered
smokey lace: The doll who loved photography
smokey lace: Doll sibling rivalry
Leah's Folia: Sedum reflexum
Sillyboyshaun: Sedum reflexum "Red Form"
mana.ainava: Sedum reflexum
Prickles 1: Sedum reflexum 'Cristatumm'
Blomsterfrämjandet: Sedum 'Chocolate Ball'