Amiti: Hold my hand
Amiti: Frozen Dusk
Amiti: Cáceres , España
W@llus2010: Früchtchen am Baum mit Telemakro
W@llus2010: autumn
W@llus2010: Später Schmetterling auf Rose.
W@llus2010: Scheinwespe beim Pollen essen.
W@llus2010: Sonnenuntergang
W@llus2010: Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl
W@llus2010: Himmelsleiter, blaue Jakobsleiter
W@llus2010: Hunger, Mjam Mjam Mjam...
jpboiste: lightroom_8706_ Luc sur Mer old house in the village military cargo helicopter through the leaves Saturn and the milky way life under the stars
SteTre.: Parking
SteTre.: Street life
SteTre.: Traffic
SteTre.: Off road
(Greg Parker): Dirty Angles
(Greg Parker): That's One Big 'Ol Bear
(Greg Parker): Can Someone Please Pick Up The Phone?! (Half of my collection)
JBPTrains2012: Old Railroad Station at Island Pond, Vermont, USA
Urban Florida Photographer: City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, USA
Antonio Chac: La costa
Berman Yaniv: Window out of Time
Small and Beautiful: 216. My favorite Lily :-)
Florin Galan: INSIDE