marctrinidad: Wasting time... in a Conga Line. (Everybody sing along now) We're wasting time...
marctrinidad: Staying warm while your sister takes the kids in the snow... PRICELESS!!!
marctrinidad: And the wife and I are happy knowing no snow bank will ever be safe from us :0)
marctrinidad: Mother in law got a tablet. Here she's looking for the 10 commandments on it. #confused
marctrinidad: The sister got enough towels to dry the Arabian Sea. No. She really did. Couldn't people coordinate this?
marctrinidad: Don't worry... these two weren't left out. They got more gifts than hair on their heads.
marctrinidad: The snake that cannot be named even got in on the act by getting a new home.
marctrinidad: My buddy got his own recliner to play his DS on. He's happy!
marctrinidad: Too full? We think its overboard. But it is what it is right?
marctrinidad: Blessings :0)
marctrinidad: Good to remember isn't it?
marctrinidad: What do YOU see? Limits? Scarcity? Or limitless and abundance?
marctrinidad: Welcome Flikr :0)