vandalhandle: 210 levels of Two Dots think I'm done with it
vandalhandle: Redesign of the @acmilan crest went for a flat modern style. #acmilan #design #crest #art
vandalhandle: More from the folders of old work, some old inking practice #art #ink #batwoman
vandalhandle: Sorting old files and finding a lot of old work, these two are from my college days #design #art #logo
vandalhandle: Ticket for Offset next year sorted. #idomyownchristmasshopping
vandalhandle: Looking forward to episode VII and liking the new designs going into it all open minded #art #starwars #vector #digital
vandalhandle: Couple of work in progress shots from rough to vector lines #WIP #art #starwars
vandalhandle: Very fast rough colours on @skottieyoung 's cole from steampunk as a decompress, long week #colour
vandalhandle: Portfolio organising going on this evening. #art #narrowingitdown
vandalhandle: From today experimenting with pick ups and displaying them. #gameart #gamedev #cosmonkey #art
vandalhandle: Palette for a work in progress #retro #colour
vandalhandle: Today's comics reading #comics #thefadeout #wytches #batman
vandalhandle: Happy Halloween, Jack for day 31 of inktober, day 15 for me, work got in the way, but I had fun doing inktober #art #ink #nightmarebeforechristmas
vandalhandle: Finished these guys today. #gamedev #gameart #cccp #cosmonkey #indiegames
vandalhandle: Couple of previews of #WIP stuff, translation of the three Japanese characters may be wrong currently from google translate #art #cccp
vandalhandle: Tonight's reading, good read and very informative so far #learning #prepwork
vandalhandle: Me and my pic at the animation art show
vandalhandle: Some pieces from the animation art show that I liked a lot #animationartshow2014
vandalhandle: No inktober today, so here's something I was playing around with today #d&d #dice #vectors
vandalhandle: Day 10 of #inktober Harley Quinn, cause Bruce Timm has been a big influence on me #harleyquinn #art
vandalhandle: Day 9 #inktober catching up, quick Saoirse from Song of the Sea which I'm looking forward to #art #songofthesea
vandalhandle: Day 8 of #inktober quick Alice to catch up while watching the match #art #disney #aliceinwonderland
vandalhandle: Day 14 of #inktober a quick fun drawing #art #ink
vandalhandle: Day 13 of #inktober quick automata robot, liked the tech designs of the movie #ink #art #automata #drinkanddraw
vandalhandle: Script tweaks and thumbnailing up next on this.
vandalhandle: Busy weekend here's a quick WIP pic #art #work #vectors
vandalhandle: Day 12 #inktober quick peppermint butler #art #adventuretime
vandalhandle: Time for colour palettes for a few projects, not super interesting but fun to make #colour #color #work
vandalhandle: Good advice #latenightreading
vandalhandle: Day 11 of #inktober a quick break from work for the Bride of Frankenstein, missed a few days due to work I'll catch up #art #brideoffrankenstein