2xMum: Thought my IG #realmamalife friends might enjoy this - a photo challenge to get to the truth behind the Pinterest boards & IG filters..... I'll be partaking #nestnappies #mayhemofmotherhood
2xMum: N. B. D.
2xMum: Thought I'd see if the moo wanted to taste a little bit of strawberry. I'm going with yes.
2xMum: Gettin shit done
2xMum: Issues. I have them.
2xMum: Apparently my side of the bed is comfier #thatsnotwhereileftmybaby #timetolowerthecotbasemethinks
2xMum: #thatsnotwhereileftmybaby #leftherunderthatblanket #bugger
2xMum: WORD.
2xMum: I need some ring sling practice but we LOVE it. Thank you Emily @joyfulabode
2xMum: Talcum powder gets sand off Pinterest said. Just rub it on Pinterest said. Easy Pinterest said.
2xMum: Nap nirvana
2xMum: *happy sigh*
2xMum: Brie soup