ishootreno: Explosions in the Sky
Andrea Koerner: I'm No Dummy
Andrea Koerner: Ice Flower
Andrea Koerner: Connections
Andrea Koerner: Swirling Softly
Andrea Koerner: Fashionista
Bongwaterjoe: Bleeding through
Bongwaterjoe: A still life
Bongwaterjoe: Down in the dark
Bongwaterjoe: Fading glory
Bongwaterjoe: ....and the spiders from mars
AzulBandit: Great new G+ #Snapseed update. If you don't have it already, the app is now free!
AzulBandit: Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... ~ Susan Polis Shutz
AzulBandit: This is it: the absolute edge of no return, to turn back now and make home or sail irrevocably on and either find land or plunge over the world's roaring rim.” ― William Faulkner, Intruder in the Dust
AzulBandit: Take a moment... Go outside for a walk. Listen to the chirping birds, the sounds of children laughing, the neighbor's dog barking. Soak in the sunshine. Admire the deep blue sky. Spot the sliver of moon hanging above the horizon. Feel the soft breeze, eve
AzulBandit: Placer County Courthouse ✨ Built in 1889. The ground floor houses a museum & the old, historic women's jail. The top two floors house courtrooms & are still in use today. One of the more interesting places to get called for jury duty.
Andrea Koerner: Out and About in the City
Andrea Koerner: Painted Lady
Andrea Koerner: Swan Lake
w_stairs: Ready the Troops
w_stairs: Fishin' for Trouble
Bongwaterjoe: The horologe
Bongwaterjoe: No more yielding than a dream
Bongwaterjoe: The longest journey
Bongwaterjoe: It's complicated
Bongwaterjoe: On the fringe
jcjesse: Homeward