SKA-N33: "Really, mom? Another picture?!"
SKA-N33: Sleepy smooshy face
SKA-N33: Rain moving in. (From last week)
SKA-N33: Sup.
SKA-N33: Sometimes I sit on my great-gramma, just because I can.
SKA-N33: My awesome dinner Sunday night: homemade filet mignon with feta cream dipping sauce. Brian is an amazing cook!!
SKA-N33: One of our little friends that lives on the outside of our house. They only come out of their shells late at night or after a rain.
SKA-N33: I know it's rained A LOT lately but this grass is getting ridiculous.
SKA-N33: "I got a haircut! I really hope @beeniethepug likes it!!"
SKA-N33: Such a happy girl!
SKA-N33: Mom's workout = Pooky's nap time
SKA-N33: Doing my best Elvis impression.
SKA-N33: Mini Goose!
SKA-N33: Apparently this is comfortable.
SKA-N33: This grass is far too tall, momma!
SKA-N33: I like to lay half in this room and half in the hallway.
SKA-N33: My first time playing around with #tangledfx @tangledfx
SKA-N33: This seems like a good place to rest my head.
SKA-N33: This is not my happy face.
SKA-N33: Pooky the pug in profile ❤
SKA-N33: Nurse Pooky is hard at work again.
SKA-N33: Just taking a little nap.
SKA-N33: Up close and personal.
SKA-N33: Snoozing on Sunday.
SKA-N33: It's a hot-pink-knee-sock kind of day.
SKA-N33: I own you, momma.
SKA-N33: This is Mini Goose
SKA-N33: Uh, can ya hurry it up?!
SKA-N33: Some puggy got a bath today!
SKA-N33: Pooky is toughs.