chbutle: could it be possible? The excess of contingencies, left a stale smell in the air. Cigarettes & booze, coffee & porn, laughter & awkward silences...
chbutle: thoughts quickly became sordid, as the walls quivered pink. A shade in which I was familiar with...
Bongwaterjoe: The flower girl
Sarah Jarrett: Patterns of Misunderstanding
columnsovsleep: Escape to Homeworld
Sarah Jarrett: Coloured Tears
Bongwaterjoe: She's a lady
columnsovsleep: Атака!
columnsovsleep: escape plan
miss_elie: Dreams
puppywings_jen: "Excursions and Violations" #hipstamatic #madalena #robusta
Bongwaterjoe: Secret window
Bongwaterjoe: Abstract outlaw
Jane Schultz @before.1st.light @after.1st.illumina: Out of these shadows Comes the light (Rufus)
imageconjurer: gravitational pull