whatsananna: Definitely one of my new favorite pictures. :)
whatsananna: Not exactly Downward Facing Dog. Bwahahahahahaha
whatsananna: Starting March out with my first "longer" run since I hurt my ankle.
whatsananna: Had to show you what I wore to work today: Orange shirt, green pants, purple shoes. Color makes me happy, and when I dress like this, you know I feel great!
whatsananna: Snagged my head lamp. How come he looks so much cuter wearing it than I do??
whatsananna: So beautiful! This looks like "hope" embodied to me.
whatsananna: Boom! Look what I can do!
whatsananna: Always the first. The light of my life.
whatsananna: Me and my lovey. This child really is joy on two little feet.
whatsananna: Terrible photo. Wonderful moment.
whatsananna: Needing some time with this little one tonight.
whatsananna: Oh look! Santa made it to Nanna's house! Smart Santa!
whatsananna: Our Christmas spirit > your Christmas spirit. Bwahahaha.
whatsananna: A space of their own. #grandkids
whatsananna: "Watch this, Uncle Creed!"
whatsananna: Christmas goodness.
whatsananna: Hey Mom? You know how you said that walk around the block in the blowing snow was good for me? Yeah. Bite me.
whatsananna: Getting so big. :)
whatsananna: Home is wherever your nest is.
whatsananna: This cracks me up. I look over and there is our littlest dog. Apparently he wants some alone time.
whatsananna: Best friends.
whatsananna: Yoga and underpants just seem to go together. :)
whatsananna: AN HOUR after my hot yoga class ended. This tomato face has got to be good for my skin, right?
whatsananna: My masterpiece!
whatsananna: Happy Halloween!
whatsananna: See these short little legs? They just went for a 2+ mile walk/run with Mommy.
whatsananna: Dusk in the country.
whatsananna: "Leaves is fun," he tells me.
whatsananna: Peace.
whatsananna: I just can't stand the cuteness lol.