apfrancis: My LBS acquired a new sign from somewhere. Makes me very happy.
apfrancis: Cruiser bike commute
Sly Red, Chicago: Chainguard Stripes
Houndstooth Road: Our bicycle brands #houndstoothroad
Houndstooth Road: "I love lugs" with coffee & without.
Houndstooth Road: Catch us in Atlanta Magazine August, 2013!
bikernz: Custom Pashley 22" Roadster Classic
bikernz: Surly 1x1 Bad Boy
bikernz: Carlton Mixte with 28" (635mm) wheels
bikernz: DSCF6131
bikernz: Surly Pugsley Cruiser
bikernz: SAM_0585
Randy Santa-Ana: 047/365: Sunny Sunday Bicycle Lessons.
Photo_History: Tintype of a Well Dressed Man with a Bicycle
Galt Museum & Archives on The Commons: Members Of The Chinook Bicycle Club
Beamish Museum: Herbert Coates, photographer of Willington riding a bicycle with a sidecar carrying his daughter.
stevedeschenes: Bicycle With Orange Tires at Fresno Tower District 2010
George Eastman Museum: Charles Zoller with bicycle
NMSI: Biker Tribes: The Windsor ordinary bicycle, c.1878.
maki: Oshichari! (get off your bicycle and push!)
Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious: Nick and his 1936 Montgomery Ward bicycle
letterlust: Dutch Bicycle History: Union Rijwielen
Dirt Rag Magazine: Alchemy Bicycles
hotsquirrel: a bicycle built for twins
spiers65: German soldier and his bicycle
Bristolbikes: 1888 Swift Safety Bicycle
fjonk: Bicycle Hanger, Wire-Project
opie_jeanne: Grandpa Fred on his bicycle