map_the_future: /// HOST///FW2010
map_the_future: !!!-!!!-!!!
map_the_future: audio guide.
map_the_future: child's play.
map_the_future: LAByrinth_soho (HK)
map_the_future: enoshima
map_the_future: assembling...
map_the_future: fermenting... 200 hollywood
map_the_future: Medicine and Art: Imagining a Future for Life and Love
map_the_future: 'MedArt' (1)
map_the_future: 'MedArt' (2)
map_the_future: 'MedArt' (3)
map_the_future: 'MedArt' (4)
map_the_future: LAByrinth at Mori
map_the_future: HOST at Mori (1)
map_the_future: HOST at Mori (2)
map_the_future: peace promo.
map_the_future: pardon...
map_the_future: pyros (1)
map_the_future: toasted.
map_the_future: prayers (for a good day)
map_the_future: green/screen.
map_the_future: mental chatter.
map_the_future: wise words.
map_the_future: "can we go somewhere higher?"