Anscheinend: Cowsland.
Anscheinend: The bright side.
Anscheinend: The Tree.
nutmeg66: Cinnabar (Tyria jacobaeae)
nutmeg66: Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
nutmeg66: Peacock (Aglais io)
52joan~trying to catch up!: 2018-12-11_07-42-43
Anscheinend: Silent Night.
Anscheinend: Cloud Formation.
Anscheinend: Nix zu sehen hier!
busybeingborn: Appalachian Trail passing under Mountain Crossings breezeway
busybeingborn: Stone Mountain summit
busybeingborn: Appalachian Trail marker
Anscheinend: Hidden creek.
bilska.anna: Female Sparrowhawk
52joan~trying to catch up!: Only have eyes for you
52joan~trying to catch up!: early morning. after the storm
52joan~trying to catch up!: The High Road to Taos
contourone: mailbox
contourone: Final Resting Place
contourone: blue hour sunset
contourone: No Hunting
contourone: Waiting on the Mail
contourone: Snowy Pine