ej - nature photography: When the fog came over the hills
alainclement: Eurasian Hoopoe - Huppe Fasciée
Laura Y Lin: Namibian Dawn
Jey Key Key: Noche de Estrellas, Night of Stars
kai.bratke: This must be love;-)
massimodemedici: Polygala
Anto Camacho: Epic world (on Explore #2)
debbie_dicarlo: Torres del Paine
Maurizio Blasetti: Torres del Paine
astolfi.m: Torres del Paine Prov. Ultima Speranza Cile
Massimo Mengoli: sunset ride (awarded 2019 Flickr's best shot contest)
CeliaZhen.com: Patagonia Series 12 - The Wind of Patagonia 2
Andrew JK Tan: s 20190810_Pacu Jawi_DSC_7695
Henk Laverman: IJsvogel, Common Kinfisher
rosebudl1959: African Lion - Panthera leo
c.marney: He Aint Heavy..
Felip Prats: Another foggy sunrise (II)...
douglas pike: reindeer eyes
Ping...: Winter Wonderland
Ping...: Mount Rundle
DigitalBite: let it snow!
SonjaS.: Paradies
miskitos: Capture d’écran 2020-01-04 à 11.21.49
Ann and Chris: Short-Eared Owl - Those eyes will follow you around the room
Perez Alonso Photography: Chocolate Mountains
monte stinnett: The landing
J.R. Moran: Resurrect