Vincentli*: A Premium Touch
Pierre Galin: Seattle at night
mrhollygolightly [ Joel Aron ]: April Snow in Red Square
Meus McIntoshi: Easter happiness
Istvan Penzes: notes of the first roll
DoveVadar: Battle of the Titans 2
Christopher Liando: Pulchritudo
sol exposure: Lauren
sasurau: LUMIX GF1 with LVF
guidb: Leica M9+ M8+ M8.2 D3 002705
guidb: Leica M9 D3 002697
ych_2000: 395R1762
jev: Feb 10th 2010 snow storm in New York (blizzard)
zoomp09: IMG_0002
~Den.Den~: The way you shoot
DoveVadar: camera porn - Leica M6 TTL, Konica M Hexanon Limited 50mm f1.2, Luigi finest grade hand sewn case
zoomp09: IMG_0046
RangefinderNotDead: 一塊雪花肥牛
Edmond C_C: My M4-P
DoveVadar: What's in my Billingham?
Mohamed Haykal: Me and my fat sister!