laurentafmz: Au château des Ducs de Bretagne
laurentafmz: au petit bonheur la chance
Fabio Petry: BROTHERS
Photos-Change-The-World: Magnum photographer Guy Le Querrec dedicace
Photos-Change-The-World: Happy new year to all my Flickr friends ;-)
flow.: Maman, c'est quoi la beauté ?
Photos-Change-The-World: Woman in Montmartre, Paris 2014
doc(q)man: Hondsbossche Zeewering: couple
Photos-Change-The-World: Disabled old woman at Eiffel Tower, Paris 2014
Photos-Change-The-World: Women returning from Eiffel Tower, Paris 2014
Photos-Change-The-World: Tag on a wall, Paris
Eric Rousset: Sourires de femmes à Zarzis (Tunisie) / Woman's Smiles
CoMcFl: The Eye