Dasssa: Dodecagonal pattern 1
subblue: Doily
marcelteun: A Compound of Twelve Cubes
Ross Hilbert: Apollonian Marble 24
Syntopia: Spherical Worlds
GraphicsWall: Poincaré Golden II
pritajeni_tigar: tessellation_09
mi ha: reaction diffusion cube
Dihav-Gnaro: ISTHISART_051
Dihav-Gnaro: ISTHISART_096
linden.g: Water sound figures
linden.g: Water sound figures
linden.g: Water sound figures
mi ha: reactionDiffusion5
Manas Dichow: Pandora Treetop
Arenamontanus: Mercator Mandelbrot
Arenamontanus: Minimandelbrot
Seb Przd: There's a strange hole in the ground
gadl: Smarties: Mandelbrot Set
Arenamontanus: ClockM
gadl: Fractal breakfast...
Arenamontanus: Scherk's surface
Arenamontanus: PuzzelMblue2
mi ha: process4gx
fdecomite: Doyle spiral + Mobius transform
Jonathan Lidbeck: Gray-Scott Lotus
! Polyhedra !: Red Orb
Bill Horne: Inner Rubix
ksalonsweetly: Icosahedron