phamnes: (2021)
AlexBurke: Railcar Fog
Jakob Tragardh: QuickTest Pentax SMC 67 f:4.5 to f:22/75 (on APS-C)
Jakob Tragardh: P67-4-5-75_test
Jakob Tragardh: In the fog of morning, Reykjavik Old Harbor Pear
ACarrPhoto: Birmingham, U.K 2019
FilmAmmo: North Central Kansas
Missy Prince: IMG_0010
spotmaticfanatic: St. Andrew Street
phamnes: (2021)
phamnes: (2021)
divewizard: The Point Arena Float House (buoy house) - Pentax 67II - 75mm f/4.5 - Pro 160S
divewizard: Abandoned House - Pentax 6x7 - SMC Pentax 67 75mm F/4.5 - Pan F+
Unique Clique: Image109-AF-1080
Boris Capman: Old & Rusty
Ben - Trossachs sunrise, Loch Voil Scotland
BadenBowen: You are only coming through in waves
PcStumpy: Buachaille Etive Mor
michael prince: Embleton summer house Monument Valley
denzzz: A. Portra 800 on Antelope Island Brittni - Ektar Pentax 6x7 55mm f4 + Portra 800