RicheyClear: Infection
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): M51/NGC 5194 interacting spiral galaxy: back in space!
J-P Metsavainio: Sh2-224 SNR
AnitavanGendt: foggy forest
AnitavanGendt: light at the end of the tunnel
AnitavanGendt: Young swans
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: Balmer-α forest :)
Hobbs House Bakery: L1022843-HDR
Dave Weir: Snow shower over the MacKenzie Basin
strongmanmike2002: NGC 2442 The Meathook Galaxy in Volans
Maflay28: butterfly Macaón (Papilio machaon) Mariposa
Maflay28: verderon comun Carduelis chloris
Maflay28: piquituerto común Loxia curvirostra
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: Quark-ing out some features...