ccmm17: Crossbills- unexpected visitors
ccmm17: Ash-Throated Flycatchers
ccmm17: Photo Bomb
ccmm17: No Where to Go
ccmm17: Dancing in the morning light
ccmm17: Dancing in the sunset light
ccmm17: Hanging Around
ccmm17: Hair-pulling (or feather-pulling) allowed
ccmm17: Common Goldeneye
ccmm17: Bushtit
ccmm17: Curious Meadowlark
ccmm17: American Wigeon
ccmm17: Lazuli Bunting Tug-of-War
ccmm17: In a Fighting Mood
ccmm17: Brown Creeper
ccmm17: Sora
ccmm17: Mink
ccmm17: Camas Coyote
ccmm17: Rough-winged Swallow
ccmm17: Down Foot-warmers
ccmm17: Say's Phoebe
ccmm17: Male Downy Woodpecker Chick
ccmm17: Precarious Landing
ccmm17: Bitter Bittern Battle
ccmm17: "Melancholy Baby"
ccmm17: Now who is next?
ccmm17: Would you like a little opera?
ccmm17: Changing of the guard
ccmm17: Western Tanager
ccmm17: Lazuli Bunting