tescteachinggardens: working with fine materials in a small format
tescteachinggardens: weaving with twined seagrass
tescteachinggardens: weavers using hands and teeth
tescteachinggardens: weavers should be smaller and more pliable than the ribs and hoops
tescteachinggardens: using twisted paper as weaver over twig frame
tescteachinggardens: unstripped honeysuckle weaver
tescteachinggardens: unstripped clematis Gods eye detail on rattan and horsetail basket
tescteachinggardens: twisted paper weaver on twig, vine frame
tescteachinggardens: twisted paper Gods eye, honeysuckle weavers on clematis, filbert frame
tescteachinggardens: sustainably harvested honesuckle, grape and clematis
tescteachinggardens: stripping the honeysuckle weaver
tescteachinggardens: shreddy bark weavers on grapevine and honeysuckle frame
tescteachinggardens: shreddy bark on weavers makes for rustic look
tescteachinggardens: setting the ribs in the Gods eye
tescteachinggardens: seagrass, honeysuckle, clematis basket underway
tescteachinggardens: sea grass Gods eye on horsetail basket
tescteachinggardens: rattan weaver on twig and vine frame
tescteachinggardens: rattan weaver on stripped honeysuckle, filbert, and grapevine frame
tescteachinggardens: random weave, over-under basket underway
tescteachinggardens: random weave horsetail basket
tescteachinggardens: pulling the long weavers through and packing the shed
tescteachinggardens: packing the shed, keeping the weaver tight to the last row
tescteachinggardens: over, under, over, under...
tescteachinggardens: mix of random and over-under weaving patterns
tescteachinggardens: keeping the weaving tight
tescteachinggardens: interior rattan and horsetail basket
tescteachinggardens: interior random weave horsetail basket
tescteachinggardens: honeysuckle, clematis, rattan and horsetail basket completed
tescteachinggardens: honeysuckle weaver worked in
tescteachinggardens: grapevine frame and unprocessed weavers