ChicagoBob46: You're in my space
Jean-François Hic: Snowy Owl - Bubo scandiacus
Corrado Buzzini: Battibecco
hedera.baltica: Nutty rook
neilhilton65: Abyssinian Roller
neilhilton65: Purple Glossy Starling
Ernie Misner: Merry Christmas
Mobile Lynn: Low cloud at the beautiful Peyto Lake D85_4689.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Grey Heron 501_8038.jpg
Mobile Lynn: I'm the boss! 502_2222.jpg
tmsrdrgz1: Puente Real de Badajoz,
Petr Sýkora: Alleyway
Petr Sýkora: Last year autumn
Petr Sýkora: Golden awakening
Petr Sýkora: Realms
Petr Sýkora: Grow different
Petr Sýkora: Late colors
Petr Sýkora: Not getting there
Petr Sýkora: Bend it the wind
Petr Sýkora: Walking in the mist
Petr Sýkora: Blue mist
shimmer5641: Sora / Marouette de Caroline
shimmer5641: Virginia Rail / Râle de Virginie
shimmer5641: Short-eared Owl / Hibou des marais
shimmer5641: Bufflehead / Petit Garrot
shimmer5641: Northern Hawk Owl / Chouette épervière
shimmer5641: Northern Hawk Owl / Chouette épervière
shimmer5641: Common Loon / Plongeon huard