Jon Dev: Insect boring tunnels in tree trunk wood
Jon Dev: Wood texture: a bit abstract
Jon Dev: Details from a painted wood table
Jon Dev: Green and yellow under blue, with forms, lines and complexity
Jon Dev: Linear wood texture, with cracks
Jon Dev: Tree stump gnawed by beaver - #2
Jon Dev: Tree stump gnawed by beaver - #3
Jon Dev: Tree bark - #77
Jon Dev: Woody texture and shadows in a sawn-through log
Jon Dev: Wood grain in a utility pole
Jon Dev: Textures/structures in wood - #2
Jon Dev: Wood texture in a dead tree - #1
Jon Dev: Wood texture in a dead tree - #2
Jon Dev: Wood texture in a dead tree - #3
Jon Dev: Wood texture in a dead tree -#4
Jon Dev: Broken wood texture inside a dead tree trunk
Jon Dev: Wood structure and texture inside a dead tree trunk
Jon Dev: Deadwood texture and a leaf
Jon Dev: Stairway and wall built of wood
Jon Dev: Textures/structures in wood - #3
Jon Dev: Wood structure and texture inside a dead tree trunk - #2
Jon Dev: In an urban park: textures in a dead tree trunk
Jon Dev: Wood grain and texture in an old fence - #1
Jon Dev: Wood grain and texture in an old fence - #2
Jon Dev: Wood grain and texture in an old fence - #3
Jon Dev: Wood texture in a sawed-through tree trunk
Jon Dev: Wood texture at the base of a tree trunk
Jon Dev: Wood grain in a utility pole - #2
Jon Dev: An old upright piano
Jon Dev: Two textures in wood: growth rings and sawing marks