minuteman1: sundown
minuteman1: fountain
minuteman1: seagull/Möwe
minuteman1: resting up
minuteman1: alter Feuermelder in Berlin-Spandau, old fire detector
minuteman1: old waterpump
minuteman1: beautiful morning
minuteman1: steps
minuteman1: Mondfinsternis in Phasen
minuteman1: Eisvogel
minuteman1: Weserfähre/ ferry across the river Weser
minuteman1: Elbtalaue bei Dömitz/ Unesco reservation Elbtalaue
minuteman1: Fliegenpilz/fly agaric
minuteman1: connection
minuteman1: Spandau Bahnhof/ trainstation in Berlin-Spandau
minuteman1: streetlights
minuteman1: Nachbarschaft/neighbourhood
minuteman1: clouds1
minuteman1: Auf der Mauer.../peacock butterfly
minuteman1: walkway and car-tunnel
minuteman1: Seerose/water-lily
minuteman1: Nassau-Brücke in Wilhelmshaven
minuteman1: sailboats rest up in the evening sun
minuteman1: low tide at the Hooksiel beach 2
minuteman1: low tide at the Hooksiel beach
minuteman1: Hey, what's up? - Was gibts da zu sehen?
minuteman1: looking for honey/Hummel am Futternapf
minuteman1: I love cherries!/ Ich liebe Kirschen!
minuteman1: refreshing/ leckere Erfrischung
minuteman1: party is over/ die letzte Flasche Bier