- CEPhotography -: Toffee am spielen
- CEPhotography -: Blütenstempel
- CEPhotography -: Frankfurt Römer
- CEPhotography -: Hund fängt Leckerli
- CEPhotography -: Escargot à Corme-Ecluse
- CEPhotography -: Man of Ice
- CEPhotography -: Skulptur aus Eis
- CEPhotography -: Herbstkastanie
- CEPhotography -: Regenbogen
- CEPhotography -: Sabine brushed
- CEPhotography -: Be yourself
- CEPhotography -: shining tulip
- CEPhotography -: Schaf beim Sonnenbad
- CEPhotography -: Pilz im Unterholz
- CEPhotography -: Modellflugplatz Kelkheim
- CEPhotography -: Modellflugplatz Kelkheim
- CEPhotography -: Die Schneeeule
- CEPhotography -: Vogel im Nest
- CEPhotography -: Kind am Strand
- CEPhotography -: Die Quelle
- CEPhotography -: Hund bringt Stock
- CEPhotography -: Abendspaziergang
- CEPhotography -: Portrait im Schnee
- CEPhotography -: Baumpilz 5
- CEPhotography -: Fliegenpilz
- CEPhotography -: Baumpilz 4