HJsfoto: Solnedgång / Sunset
HJsfoto: My flower with flowers
HJsfoto: She likes watching the fishes better than the flowers. / Hon ser hellre på fiskar än på blommor.
HJsfoto: Acke
HJsfoto: Sunshine on Acke
HJsfoto: Raindeers in the forest
HJsfoto: Reindeers
HJsfoto: Typical view of Norrbotten, Sweden
HJsfoto: Pines
HJsfoto: My friend Acke
HJsfoto: Acke, 10 weeks
HJsfoto: Exshausted from playing with sticks.
HJsfoto: Flower joy
HJsfoto: Sunday in January on road 97
HJsfoto: A Jack russel puppy
HJsfoto: The viper is warming up on the hot road.
HJsfoto: Skrattande blommor / Laughing flowers
HJsfoto: Instängd / Shut up
*GT: Kek Lok Si Temple
*GT: Dusk at Penang
HJsfoto: Kalix river by night
Vainsang: A queen with five Petals
Steve Wilson - over 10 million views Thanks !!: My what big teeth you have !!!
HJsfoto: Familjen Gräsand / The family Mallard
novaleng: Water Lily
` Toshio ': The Proposal at Waikiki Beach, Hawaii
kamaruzaman: Sunset
HJsfoto: Solnedgång i Kalix / Sunset in Kalix
DanielKHC: My Room with a View
DanielKHC: Istana Budaya