8Digits: INFI0360 b
8Digits: IMG_0107 b
8Digits: IMG_8138 b small
8Digits: IMG_2929 c
8Digits: IMG_0675 b
8Digits: Cyril and Maricel Prewedding
8Digits: Wahini in Red
8Digits: Workshop Shot
8Digits: Album Layout
8Digits: Tata in Manila
8Digits: Brothers.. Twins..
8Digits: Nightingale's Night
8Digits: Prom + Aloha = Flickr Upload
8Digits: More fun in the Philippines
8Digits: Kim and Ghali Prenup @ Amontay
8Digits: Cokie and Fritz
8Digits: Kristine and Allan
8Digits: Peace
8Digits: "Yagit"
8Digits: "Kids"
8Digits: Chick on a Bike
8Digits: itterashai
8Digits: Aloha flickr friends!!!
8Digits: Innocent Smile
8Digits: Prunus Mume - Ume (Plum)
8Digits: Christmas in Kyoto
8Digits: Tata @ Meiji Jingu Gaien
8Digits: Obi
8Digits: A Rose Among Roses
8Digits: Excitement