Danestria: Accidently twin with different parents...lol #bff#sillyface#bw#latepost#girls
Danestria: The ring
Danestria: Picture of happiness
Danestria: Welcome Browny! :*
Danestria: My new baby, Ai Ball Jointed Doll, Iris..<3
Danestria: My new baby, Ai Ball Jointed Doll, Iris..<3
Danestria: #beef#crispyspinach#yakiniku#yoshinoya#yummy#love#latepost#instafood 😍😋
Danestria: What a wonderful views
Danestria: To The Beautiful You
Danestria: Relaxing
Danestria: We're ready to eat~
Danestria: Meeting Table
Danestria: I Love White
Danestria: White Rose
Danestria: Happy birthday my hero!
Danestria: Gedung pencakar langit
Danestria: The wall
Danestria: Empty bridge
Danestria: The orchid
Danestria: Chessy Oreo
Danestria: Beautiful Island
Danestria: The Butterfly
Danestria: Her Laugh
Danestria: Surrounded by Butterfly
Danestria: The Bell
Danestria: His Smile
Danestria: Wall of motivation
Danestria: Ladybugs