Rod 2023: Bastia coast1
Rod 2023: Last Change
Rod 2023: Chrysalis
Rod 2023: Leaving their eggs
Rod 2023: Italian Lizard
Rod 2023: Civitavecchia Lizards
Rod 2023: Lagartijas en sector costero de Italia/Civitavecchia
Rod 2023: Herping in Italy
Rod 2023: Herping in Livorno:Gecko
Rod 2023: Gecko in Livorno
Rod 2023: Herping in Ibiza II
Rod 2023: Herping in Ibiza II
Rod 2023: Herping in Ibiza II
Rod 2023: Ibiza Gecko
Rod 2023: Herping in Ibiza II
Rod 2023: Herping in Ibiza II (Podarcis)
Rod 2023: Cortejo I
Rod 2023: hidden predator7
Rod 2023: hidden predator6
Rod 2023: hidden predator1
Rod 2023: Walls of Ibiza II
Rod 2023: Walls of Ibiza. GecKo
Rod 2023: Ibizard
Rod 2023: Ibiza Gecko
Rod 2023: Herping in Marseille I
Rod 2023: Herping in Marseille II
Rod 2023: Iguanas de Panamá
Rod 2023: Iguanas de Panamá
Rod 2023: Iguanas de Panamá
Rod 2023: Iguanas de Panamá