Walk Your Dog Austin:
You're invited!!!! #valentinesdogday #singlepups #tellyourfriends #gonnabefun #oldschoolgames #getoutside #dog4wingman #misspennylane #birthdayparty
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Hmmm... #pterrys #local yet serving #Kirkland #dogtreats from #costco. Maybe next burger will be at new "local" @inandout #maybemynewfriend
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Poor #misspennylane is #sickasadog #weeniedogcrew #walkyourdogaustin #dogvet
Walk Your Dog Austin:
#goodnightaustin #weeniedogs #weeniedogcrew #daschundsareperfect #dashchundownersdoitbetter
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Why my bed is always warm and #smelly #weeniedogcrew #walkyourdogaustin #lifeanddog #austindogownersgroup
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Mondays w/ #misspennylane #walkyourdogaustin #weeniedogcrew #lifeanddog #weeniedogfamily #dachshunds #ilovedachshunds #ilovemyweenie
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Is this like a beer funnel for hard liquor? #happyholidays #yourewelcome #walkyourdogaustin to #homedepot #drinkshere
Walk Your Dog Austin:
One screen for each of our websites for YOU, Austin dog owners will next year!!! Wonder what I've been up to!?? Well, Jan. 1, 2014 you will all find out!!!!! #walkyourdogaustin #ifoundyourdogaustin #austindogownersgroup #adog #pennylane #pennyandbrax
Walk Your Dog Austin:
See you at noon. #getsomecentralheat #misspennylane #pennylane #walkyourdogaustin #morningzen #neondoxie #keepaustindogswarm #lifeanddog #coming2014 #getoutside #goodnightaustin #adorable #weeniedogfamily
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Hi, my name is #pennylane and I am really good at falling asleep anywhere I choose. Yes that may mean your foot. #weeniedogcrew #walkyourdogaustin #goodnightaustin
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Merry Christmas Austin. From Our friends Stephanie and her best friend boots. #merrychristmas #austin #do512 #walkyourdogaustin #goodweather #weeniedogcrew
Walk Your Dog Austin:
#goodnightaustin #merrychristmaseve from the #weeniedogcrew #beautifulday #weeniedogfamily #ilovedachshunds #weeniedogs #cutedogpics #austin #cutesleepingdogs #instadog #instaweenie #do512 #ilovemyweenie #supporthiscompany
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Last minute gift idea. I want them all!!! #armadillobazaar #bazaar #lifeanddog #do512 #walkyourdogaustin #artonpoop #hippydog #epic #palmer #austin #365thingsaustin
Walk Your Dog Austin:
#walkyourdogaustin to hang with us for CHRISTMAS EVE GIVING DAY!!! #zilkerdogpark find the #weeniedogcrew and me snapping pics and say "hi!" Then later , #drinkshere #bartonspringsaloon #treats #shoppingbags #healthypet #bssaloon #bartonsprings #commjnit
Walk Your Dog Austin:
I'm Cute...I know, want to see me in 2014? Tell your friends about my daddy's company, please? #goodnightaustin #dadsworkinglateagain #supporthiscompany #youareoneofus #walkyourdogaustin
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Holiday Christmas Party for #walkyourdogaustin! Dec 20!!! Location is TBD. MARK YOUR CALENDARS. #do512 #365thingsaustin #christiepost #lifeanddog #sorry4delay #weeniedogcrew #austin #yelp #thingstodo #bringyourdog #dogparty
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Hippy Dog spotted at #zilkerdogpark. #artonpoop #walkyourdogaustin Make the ordinary NOT. #awesomeness #austin #do512 #365thingsaustin #keye #keyetv
Walk Your Dog Austin:
It's 60 degrees in December! Get out and #walkyourdogaustin to enjoy a #busybee smoothie and cool off in the heat! Find us and see #artonpoop in person #austinweather #do512 #365thingsaustin #dog4wingman #houndaroundtown #atx #weeniedog #weeniedogcrew #w
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Horrible pic, BUT HAD TO REMEMBER THIS...blue car with pink accents. Oh yea...and a PINK LICENSE PLATE reading P. Cock. #epic #pcockdriver #austin #walkyourdogaustin #lifeanddog #do512 #artonpoop #omgomgomg #frenzyart #licenseplates #pcock
Walk Your Dog Austin:
7-0 resolution PASSES....BUT NO #dogban at #auditoriumshores #walkyourdogaustin #communitybuilder #youareoneofus #yoursupport #christiepost #kvuetv #keye #keyetv #austinchronicle #austinpost #austinstatesman #breakingnews #austin #365austin #do512 #dogpar
Walk Your Dog Austin:
#dogban public speaks out and even #nondogowners speaking up AGAINST the #dogban at #auditoriumshores #auditoriumshores4dogs
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Dog ban discussion after #executivemeeting after 2 or so. If you can make it here before...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME AND SHOW SUPPORT!!!! This is freaking huge Austin!!!!! #dogban #keepaustindogswarm #auditoriumshores4dogs #communityactivist #communitybu
Walk Your Dog Austin:
City Hall meetings #boringasexpected and waiting on #dogban topic and we'll keep you posted. #walkyourdogaustin #dogsrgood4all #auditoriumshores #dogpark #austin #austinparksandrec #keye #keepaustindogswarm #dogproblems #dogbanmeeting #dogfriendlyplaces
Walk Your Dog Austin:
My #weenies love their "teenie" #greenies. #walkyourdogaustin do your dogs brush w/greenies??? #dentaldogs #healthyteeth #dogcare101 #dog4wingman #youareoneofus #weeniedogcrew #weeniedog
Walk Your Dog Austin:
LOVE meets ART meets DOG. #ifoundyourdogaustin Austin's lost dog Website. Brought to you by: your friends @walkyourdogaustin and our local artist @ladi #frenzyart #barklocal #lifeanddog #loveyourart #artonpoop #custom order online today!!!!!
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Our new website will make you and your #bestfriend smile. #walkyourdogaustin #weneed #yoursuppoort #custom
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Overflow room and council woman starts by asking to "turn off phone ringer. Which turned out to be a dog. Which she said "throw it some meat to quite it down". #dogban #dec10 #walkyourdogaustin
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Bark Local this holiday!!! Want to help Austin's most well known mailing center. Drive Thru Postal (east riverside) supports our community...does your shipping center? #shiplocal #barklocal #walkyourdogaustin #dogfriendlyplaces #austin #drivethrupostal
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Fanny packs!!!!! Hand-made by yours' truly! All natural leather and GREAT FOR THE DOG LOVER WITH EVERYTHING! Cause now they can put it somewhere!! Exclusively @ shop.walkyourdogaustin.com #barklocal #walkyourdogaustin #holidaybuyingguide #artonpoop #l
Walk Your Dog Austin:
Dog ban meeting tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Please share as if our dogs are banned we will lose way more! Dec 10 at city hall. 6pm #walkyourdogaustin #dogbanmeeting