LakritzPhotography: Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk Portrait
Chuck Hantis: Pigeon
Chuck Hantis: Brewster's Warbler
superpugger: Phidippus whitmani jumping spider - New Jersey Pinelands
Meadowlands Photo: Cedar Waxwing
Meadowlands Photo: Red-headed Woodpecker
Meadowlands Photo: Northern Harrier
Chuck Hantis: Coyote
SKeysImages: AWPelican1904a1CS
SKeysImages: BAWA042718eCS
RGL Photography: American Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus | 2019 - 7
SKeysImages: LOWA190419cCS Peregrine Falcon (Female)
SKeysImages: Harrier1602081CS
LakritzPhotography: Short Eared Owl catching the last rays of sunlight
LakritzPhotography: Winter Hunter
Chuck Hantis: George
Chuck Hantis: Long-billed Dowitcher
SKeysImages: BTNW190916cCS
BN Singh: Yellow-browed Bulbul
Clarks Captures: 1 _MG_4410@0,75x
superpugger: Bald eagle - Cape May, New Jersey
T L Sepkovic: Snowy Owl
SKeysImages: BTNW190916aCS
superpugger: Gray tree frog - Cape May, New Jersey
T L Sepkovic: Cool Fog ▪︎ Goldenrod ▪︎ Elk
Mathew Malwitz: Common Terns
T L Sepkovic: Hudsonian Godwit