dancing_with_wolves: DSCF6209 copy
dancing_with_wolves: Kandy and Saffy
dancing_with_wolves: Teddy,18 months
dancing_with_wolves: Teddy and the apple.
dancing_with_wolves: Teddy and the new toy.
dancing_with_wolves: Teddy the Keeshond Puppy.
dancing_with_wolves: Happy Saffy
dancing_with_wolves: Serious Saffy
dancing_with_wolves: Keeshond Saffron
dancing_with_wolves: kitchen cross stitch
dancing_with_wolves: take us for a walk......
dancing_with_wolves: dig a hole ,then sleep in it
dancing_with_wolves: Georgia and Saffy,sleeping angels.....
dancing_with_wolves: cool Saffron
dancing_with_wolves: fanfan girls
dancing_with_wolves: bee madness
dancing_with_wolves: bee careful
dancing_with_wolves: IMG_0068 copy