r. cement: PB220001
r. cement: PA120023
r. cement: http://www.mrdevizzapizza.blogspot.com/
r. cement: Magic Trick: he pulls a horse out of a beer can
r. cement: Gretchen
r. cement: img085
r. cement: The Greatest Comedy Team Ever
r. cement: Interests: tools, shirts, tool shirts
r. cement: G. + the K.
r. cement: Harpo trashes kitchen
r. cement: Gretchen w/ Paperback in Summer Spectacular
r. cement: $50 Bet: Will You Eat This Whole Jar of Cheez in 20 Minutes?
r. cement: Terry and Ricky solemnly agree
r. cement: Family Shot probably in Menasha
r. cement: Jessie and Ricky pleased by idiotic bunnies
r. cement: Ricky in cape, Dick in Denim
r. cement: Phone call to Reagan, Dad advises (Menasha)
r. cement: Pajama Dance with Beagle (Tammy)
r. cement: Rick, Ricky, Dick in Waupaca
r. cement: Dick, Rick, Infant Ricky, Russ in Waupaca
r. cement: Mother and Son explore Canada, I assume
r. cement: Wrestling Tiger Cub at JR's in Waupaca
r. cement: Shades of Harpo
r. cement: Weeping Jessie, Pensive Ricky, Rigor Mortis Kate
r. cement: Photo by Wenzlau, late 90s
r. cement: Connell, bug spray, Harpo's Tree
r. cement: Cat humiliated by Will
r. cement: Gretchen commiserates