purly_qs: I'm serious about my workouts. Like today. #bulletjournal #habittracker #fitnessjournaling
purly_qs: Great sight. #HooverDam
purly_qs: New desk. Old Chair. Waiting for slipcover to be delivered. Waiting to buy storage. Also refinishing furniture. Wall colors are not my own. #rentalhomedecordisaster
purly_qs: Last meal in Vegas. Olive Garden. Yep. #travelingwithchildren #adultingwithkids
purly_qs: At Hoover Dam Visitor Center
purly_qs: NIU vs. UCSB. Vegas16.
purly_qs: At the Bellagio. A little break.
purly_qs: Happy Easter. #Vegas #WyndhamGrandDesert #EasterSunday
purly_qs: When one must wait for sister and brother to get out of tutoring, we must get comfortable--with free wifi.
purly_qs: 5 cavities. When your mom tells you to brush and floss, do it.
purly_qs: When you're the worst mother in the world, you rush to the supermarket after creating labels. You thank the Valentines gods for 30 sweettarts for the 30 labels, even if the short changed me 2 as labeled on bag. Last minute valentines is resolved. #Valenti
purly_qs: Favorite word. #rockyourwriting #fountainpen #mixedinks
purly_qs: 5 Facts #rockyourwriting
purly_qs: I'm trying to write at the library but program froze. I'm on a reboot, waiting for all to turn on and get back to normal. Back to typing. #bulletjournal #agenda #planner #fountainpen #pilotpenmanship #extrafinenib #staplesARC
purly_qs: New pen. Extra fine pilot pen. Scratchy. Rough start. Love this quote. #rockyourhandwriting #pilotpenmanship #extrafine #fountainpen #handwriting #handwritingpractice #Cursive
purly_qs: First day of writing challenge. #rockyourhandwriting #handwritingpractice #extrafinenib #fountainpen
purly_qs: Filled my first eyedropper fountain pen #fountainpen #pilotpenmanship #pelikanink #testwriting #handwriting #cursive #extrafinenib
purly_qs: Converting a pen into an eyedropper. New pen, fresh out of the plastic. #pilotpenmanship #medicinedrooper #6Oring #siliconegrease #pelikanbottleinkturquoise #noleakyet
purly_qs: Very good pen for extra fine writing. I like it. #pilotpenmanship #extrafinefountainpen
purly_qs: Delivered goodies. #fountainpenstand #highlighterink #pilotpenmanship #pilotcartridge
purly_qs: Researched supplements to support son's mood and memory. #list #handwriting #bulletjournal #lamyfountainpen #lamy fountainpenextrafine #ARCstaples #pelikanroyalblue
purly_qs: Planning for Febrauryat McDonalds while kids are doing their after school activities. #nemosinesingularityFine #bulletjournal #planning #planner #fountainpen.
purly_qs: How does this happen? #themysteriesoflife
purly_qs: Big crown at Convo. #NIUvsToledo
purly_qs: Basketball season started this week. #wegotnext
purly_qs: Seasoning mix for pepper grinder. I use on meats and veggies. Mixed peppercorns, Himalayan Pink Salt, dried rosemary, thyme, and red pepper flakes. #seasoningmix
purly_qs: I have a problem. Medium and Broad Nemosine Singularity to match the Extra Fine and Fine that I night last week. Turquoise Pelikan just because i don't have it. #fountainpen #NemosineSingularityDemonsrator #obsessed #fountainpenonsale
purly_qs: Had to fix little one's bed. The tape broke. I used upholstery "stuff" to keep together. Now, here mattress wont cave in the middle of the night. Compressor is my favorite tool.
purly_qs: "The bacon tastes so good." She's intermittently singing out, "whoo."
purly_qs: Trying to do bullet journal for 2016. Task list for January. #bulletjournal #januarytasks #fountain pen #lamyfountainpen