dasnewten: Naganata 3/4 top
The Magic Tuba Pixie: BFM - Bishop
Brickthing: PowerBuild IRON HD Video Card
captainsmog: Nazgul on Fell Beast
zane_houston: MATILDA Sentient Mech Queen
bruceywan: Why Not Zoidberg?
bruceywan: Careful!
BrickWares: Game of Thrones Lannister Crest
BrickWares: Futurama Triptych
AlpinePhotographer: P-38 reimagined
Lego Junkie.: Welcome to The Blockhouse.
Try001: Chicken Burger MOC 13
zane_houston: Ape Armor
1saac W.: Motorcycle
Bart De Dobbelaer: the Gateway
zane_houston: Mecha Bowser
m_o_n_k_e_y: MDI16_Razorback
Simon S.: GC2 Part 2: The forgotten Palace
lego_nabii: 01-Splash
Hessianizer: Half Life 2: Episode 1: Hospital
Pvt. Cookie: T-rex skeleton
_zenn: Rage Dune Buggy
J.B.F: Batman 3 Weeler
JaytheRobot: Voc Vighter
Si-MOCs: Vic-Separator