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albums of luthierwtb
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My first C-41 developing
Hobo Color in the guitar store
Ansco Cadet w/ 35mm film in Caffenol
Hobo Color Caffenol with Brownie Reflex Synchro
"Hobo color" caffenol w/ Brownie Starlet
Yashica 635 first roll
Adventures in color film and Dektol
Random shots with an Argus Brick
First test shots with my Yashica 635
Ice skating in Conyers, GA
1980 Sears catalog - cameras
Minolta XG-1 buzzard watch
Fuji Acros 100 sprayed with bleach
Polaroid Swinger 20 construction
Imperial Savoy with Ultrafine Plus 100
Pentax Auto 110 w/ Lomo Orca 100
Toy "My First Camera"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 110 camera
Brownie Starlet shooting Fuji Acros 100
Bratz toy camera
Saturday night in Athens, GA
Brownie Hawkeye in Midtown Atlanta
Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor in Covington, Ga
Fuji Provia 100 in Caffenol CM
Gaf L-CM
Thrown camera- caffenol
Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta
Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor
Factory Shoals, Covington, GA USA
Polaroid Swinger TMAX 400
Refurbished Agfa Karat IV
Olympus 35 SP
Polaroid Swinger test
Olympus Pen EE3
800 speed in Caffenol
Unwelcome found photos
Found photos on a 116 roll
Polaroid Swinger with 120 film
Brownie Reflex Synchro loaded with 35mm
Agfa Karat (focusing problems)
Agfa Karat IV
Christmas in Covington, GA
Found photos #4
Action Kitty
Found film
Ancient 127 film in a Brownie Reflex Synchro
Brownie Six-20 Flash modified to 35mm