Juan María Coy: The last sunbeam at Neist Point Lighthouse - Isle of Skye (Glendale, Scotland)
Juan María Coy: Last lights of Autumn - Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park (Ossa de Montiel, Albacete, Spain)
nadja pelt: CC8A5601
amcdermaid05: post.DSC_3714.aa.22
ricketdi: *** Roadside hawk / Buse à gros bec
Juan María Coy: Elegant! European crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) - Herrerillo capuchino (Lophophanes cristatus)
Juan María Coy: Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) - Buitre negro (Aegypius monachus)
Juan María Coy: Heelloo? Great tit (Parus major) - Carbonero común (Parus major)
Juan María Coy: First 2017's full moon fights against the pollution to illuminate the skyline (Madrid, Spain)
Juan María Coy: LeBarn owl (Tyto alba) - Lechuza común (Tyto alba)
Juan María Coy: Águila real/Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Juan María Coy: Águila real (Aquila chrysaetos)