chardi: Jed
chardi: Rahni
chardi: Enter Stage Right - JED
chardi: Four Today
chardi: Tree Tops
chardi: Weekend away
chardi: Corey
chardi: Meet JED
chardi: Mine...
chardi: Jed & Rahni
chardi: Peace
chardi: Little Bro Where have you gone??
chardi: Paul and I
chardi: Camping 2007
chardi: Camping 2007
chardi: Hmmm I just happen to love Ice Cream
chardi: ~Patience~
chardi: Not so long between spoonfull's next time...Please?
chardi: Garden Ornament
chardi: What did you call me....a beer wench....(Slightly Intoxicated)
chardi: Arrrgh!!!
chardi: Pirate Fancy dress party
chardi: Who's been sleeping in MY bed??
chardi: What... we aren't at the beach!
chardi: Lazing in the Sun!
chardi: Why do you have to play with the dog on your desk?
chardi: Pasha Bulker
chardi: Our Little Princess Rahni 3 Today - Happy Birthday!
chardi: Winter
chardi: I'm to cool