Andrea Schuh: in waiting
Andrea Schuh: crossing
Sue Foll: 10 Dec 23- OTR Yolanda Charles-11(s)
Sue Foll: 10 Dec 23- OTR Yolanda Charles-12(s)
blackberrylarry: Chair in Ice II
Andrea Schuh: in line
niloideoin: sleepy Síof ii
niloideoin: practice piece
MlPlaice: Choir 5
annalisa ceolin: Danza con me
MlPlaice: Wide Open
MlPlaice: Air conditioned
MlPlaice: Two dogs
MlPlaice: Mid December
MlPlaice: Orange Pharmacy
MlPlaice: Orange Spiller's
niloideoin: cover your ears
Ingunn Eriksen: Sognsveien train station, Hølen, Norway
David Stebbing: DSC_0558.jpg
David Stebbing: DSC_0561.jpg
David Stebbing: DSC_0563.jpg
therealjoeo: Sky curve {17/365}
niloideoin: after the snow
niloideoin: 60km/h
niloideoin: going green
niloideoin: malamute friend
Andrea Schuh: open space
MlPlaice: The Bride
Ingunn Eriksen: Hiking in winter wonderland, Norway