George Marinakis: Dark portrait
andy_hxt: Cloud
ireenkiwi: DSC_3017
Olia P: Tina
laertyd: ****
luca.tegano: Mon amour.
Nyllet: Heather's View
Suryo Pras: Malika
mas wisnups: Go home
MF Alfath: Father
`Kevin Wang: photo photoshop Wedding
Suryo Pras: I'm Fashionable
Suryo Pras: CBS and GL
mas wisnups: Line, man and light
Suryo Pras: Watching, waiting
mas wisnups: Taman surya
Suryo Pras: parce que le violet est la couleur fraîche pour elle
Suryo Pras: purple haze
Jeffry Tarigan: bother me, i pinch you
mas wisnups: soft dispenser
mas wisnups: fill 'em in