Nat 48005: Rila Monestary
Nat 48005: Orange hats
Nat 48005: Sleeping Cat
Nat 48005: 1500+year old crack
Nat 48005: The road to Guiness
Nat 48005: Frence Ducks
Nat 48005: The Phone reigns supreme
Nat 48005: OMG Another gargoyle
Nat 48005: Rouen, France
Nat 48005: Cookie Thief
Nat 48005: Cooling Cookies
Nat 48005: Moroccan Fish
Nat 48005: Hungry Cat
Nat 48005: VW w/luggage
Nat 48005: Nipper
Nat 48005: Hood Ornament
Nat 48005: Reflection
Nat 48005: Pottery
Nat 48005: Dye Pots
Nat 48005: Al Hambra Antelope
Nat 48005: Belfasr Protest
Nat 48005: Girls in a Belfast Pub
Nat 48005: Flynn
Nat 48005: Wall Art
Nat 48005: Ring of Brodgar stone
Nat 48005: Irish Highlands
Nat 48005: Titanic Museum
Nat 48005: Huddle
Nat 48005: Islamic art Wall at Doris Duke home (Shangrila)
Nat 48005: Arch at Honolulu Museum of Art