amcdermaid05: post.DSC_9014.ll.aa
barb in acton: lilac breasted roller
barb in acton: blending in
barb in acton: Lilac Breasted Roller
barb in acton: Starling
barb in acton: who woke the lion ???
barb in acton: solitary trees
Darlene (hi_m88): DAH_2017_Canada_4323PS
Darlene (hi_m88): DAH_2017_Canada_7005PS
Darlene (hi_m88): DAH_2017_Canada_7761
Doris Burfind: The Green Room
Doris Burfind: Last Delivery- Pea Factory, Port Dover
Doris Burfind: Beauty of Birch
Doris Burfind: H.A.Smith Details
barb in acton: thats a big deer
Doris Burfind: We're in this together...
barb in acton: eye see you too
barb in acton: following the hunt from the pasture
barb in acton: hover dog
barb in acton: gallop up the hill
barb in acton: waiting by the barn
barb in acton: heading out
amcdermaid05: post.DSC_1176_use
amcdermaid05: post.DSC_6899.ll.aa
amcdermaid05: post.DSC_6868.aa.22
amcdermaid05: post.DSC_6923.aa.22.use
Doris Burfind: The Crazy House
Doris Burfind: Red-bellied Woodpecker