T Markham: Legio Ignatum Imperial Warlord
thomas.muggianu: Titan Warhound du chaos dark mechanicus
thomas.muggianu: Dark mechanicus
thomas.muggianu: Titan Warhound du chaos dark mechanicus
Will Vale: Shadow War: Group shot with scale cue
Will Vale: Shadow War: Tank 2 varnished
Miniature Painting: Lord of Change
Miniature Painting: Lord of Change
tomleugner: 17523680_1403027593082768_4703339513929307838_n
tomleugner: 17425022_1403028163082711_4512992382168748564_n
tomleugner: 17523265_1402551286463732_4556331656249501152_n
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Warlord Titan, Forge World
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Warlord Titan, Forge World
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Warlord Titan, Forge World
Крю: Belisarius Cawl 5
tomleugner: DSCN3195
oviraptor.german: Makabius_Castigator
Jay Adan: Mechanicum Vultarax Stratos Automata
Redscorps: Acastus Knight Porphyrion
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Warlord Titan Album Logo