Wayne Nelson: Twist & Shout SandhillCrane
Wayne Nelson: Seasons Come& Seasons Gog
Wayne Nelson: Sandhills @ Sunset Wisconsin
Wayne Nelson: 7Lake Michigan Sunrise & Deformed Tree
Wayne Nelson: Foggy Prairie Sunrise Wisconsin
Wayne Nelson: Japaneese Beetles in Love.
Wayne Nelson: Bleeding Heart & Backlight
Wayne Nelson: Bank Swallow
Wayne Nelson: The Reaon For Bridges
Wayne Nelson: Not Sure
Wayne Nelson: Rialto Beach Sea Stacks in Washington State at Sunset
Wayne Nelson: One Leg To Stand On Upland Sandpiper
Wayne Nelson: Red Fox Kit
Wayne Nelson: Female Belted Kingfisher
Wayne Nelson: Female Common Merganser
Wayne Nelson: Welcome To The Dance 2
Wayne Nelson: Male Northern Shoveler
Wayne Nelson: Utah, Colorado
Wayne Nelson: FOX SNAKE
Wayne Nelson: The Symbol. The Bald Eagle.
Wayne Nelson: Snowy Up Close
Wayne Nelson: Sandhills @ Sunset
Wayne Nelson: AlpineRaceWaterPipit, Colorado Rockies
Wayne Nelson: Snowy Owl @ Sunrise
Wayne Nelson: White Sands, New Mexico
Wayne Nelson: BrownThrasher
Wayne Nelson: The man of the house. Pronghorn, Wyoming
Wayne Nelson: Swainson's Hawk & rust colored grasses, Wyoming
Wayne Nelson: Preening
Wayne Nelson: Sunrise Alpenglow, Colorado Rockies