Tekapa walking around the city .....: Ausflug 25.7.2021 in der Nähe von Friedberg
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Rundwanderung Butterstadt 7.8.2021
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Rundwanderung Geinsheim Mi 25.8.2021
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Rundwanderung am Glauburg / Keltenmuseum Fr 27.8.2021
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Rundwanderung am Glauburg / Keltenmuseum Fr 27.8.2021
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Rundwanderung Illnhausen Sa 4.9.2021
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Kreuz und quer in Schwarzweiß
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Ein bisschen schwarzweiss
Tekapa walking around the city .....: Rundwanderung Rödermark - Urberach
Raxiris.: Niño limpio, adulto sucio.
sarcasmotologist: shiny elephant
www.shak74.com: Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails
YokoC: Pequeño Oso
MarcheloA.: old hospital
Fuentesilva: Picaflor 2
norsez: Guiding lamps
Marco Muntoni: Torre elefante
helenc_england: Canola sunshine
Pazva: Poste
Simone_Ricci: Ponte della Pace (BO)
Avard Woolaver: Bedford, NS
Paul Hurd: Light Rays